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Eat Grains to Reduce Inflammation and Liver Disease Risk

Bowl of grains on table

Polina Tankilevitch/Pexels.com

Although most Americans eat only one-third of the recommended amount, nutrient-rich, whole grains already have been shown to play a key role in safeguarding against obesity and metabolic syndrome. Two new studies establish their positive effect on cardiovascular and liver health, as well. Researchers from Columbia University that followed 4,125 older adults for 25 years found that lower inflammation and fewer cardiovascular incidents were correlated with higher amounts of fiber in the diet— particularly from wheat, barley, oats and other grains—rather than from fruits and vegetables. And a Chinese study in The Journal of Nutrition Researchers tested the blood of 1,880 people, half of which had nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, to look for markers of whole grain consumption. The subjects that ate more whole grains had a significantly reduced risk of developing the liver disease.

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