Daily Bowel Movements Reduce Breast Disease Risk

Vanessa Drew, founder of Cleansing Concepts, is dedicated to educating others on colon health. When conventional methods failed to help her with digestive issues and a misdiagnosed ruptured appendix, Drew turned to holistic natural medicine. “After exploring many different options, I discovered colon cleansing, a gentle internal bath that aids the body in the detoxification process. Cleansing helped me to heal, and I’ve dedicated my life to helping others rebuild their health and well-being,” she affirms.
According to Drew, research shows that there is a potential connection between constipation and breast cancer. “Around the turn of the century doctors blamed constipation for many health issues. It was thought that toxic waste would build up, enter the blood stream and affect various organs. The theory was scrapped when the medical professionals were not able to identify any toxic substances in the blood of constipated sick people,” she explains. “However, recent statistical correlations suggest that there may be something valid in this discarded theory after all.”
In an article published in The Lancet in November 1981, physicians Nicholas L. Petrakis and Eileen B. King of the University of California, wrote that women who have two or fewer bowel movements per week have four times the risk of breast disease (benign or malignant) as women who have one or more bowel movements per day. “These findings reactivate turn-of-the-century questions concerning an association between constipation and in this particular instance, breast disease,” says Drew. “Thankfully, Petrakis added a concern that this supposition should not be allowed to create a cancer panic among constipated women.”
Cleansing Concepts is hosting two specials during the month of May, including a Mother’s Day two-for-one foot bath and a May 24 thermography screening.Cleansing Concepts has several state-of-the-art facilities that offer quality colon hydrotherapy and other services at affordable pricing. Call the Red Bank, NJ, location at 732-741-2444; the Garden City, NY, location at 516-640-5322; the Smithtown, NY, location at 631-656-6313; or the Manhattan, NY, location at 212-256-0032. Visit CleansingConceptsWorld.com to book one of the May specials and for address information.