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Natural Awakenings NYC & Long Island

Happiness in the Holiday

By Alison David Bird, C.Ht, Originator of Marconics

Whatever your faith, this holiday season will involve challenges, as we bring closure to 2024.

To what extent you feel challenged by the energies around you will have a direct correlation to where you are in the progress of your spiritual evolution. Have you managed to harmonize the electromagnetic sequencing of your new and higher templates, or are there still “glitches” that must be cleared?

The good news is that you have orchestrated every moment of these coming festivities! And not just in the physical. You designed this to weed out those troublesome old programs that refuse to be erased. Yay!

Over recent weeks and months you have identified “sticking points” within the consciousness grids of your own ascension matrices. Programs that are still running at deeper levels of the holographic body, almost like encodings of your own personal dark web, are being activated in the 2D templates of the emotional body.

Clearings of self-doubt, worthiness, long-term security issues, still rooted deep in your past will be especially fine-tuned between now and the New Year. What better time than the holidays, when everyone is under pressure to be HAPPY?! And under the gun to make others so.

We all want to show the world how HAPPY we are, don’t we? Because “happy” means “successful”, right? We want to demonstrate the values we have been brought up to observe. Bright, shiny families behaving well in company are all indications that we have not failed. Or, are at least we can take them at face value. Who cares what lies beneath the façade as long as the world sees “Happy”? And anyway, we can always edit the bits we don’t like before “posting” selfies, so the greater world will still see just how “happy, happy, happy” we are!

How do we ensure happiness during the holidays? By giving everyone exactly what they want? By keeping the peace? By feeding them to a standstill while awaiting a variety of liquid “holiday spirits” to kick-in, so they all doze off?

Will you be surrounded by all of those people who have traditionally been the epicenter of your own personal introspections? Are you hoping everyone will, for this year at least, play nice— because tradition says they must? That is a dangerous equation.


How often have you felt the pang of disappointment as someone opens your carefully selected gift only to seem so unmoved by it? Do you wonder if that is a reflection of how they think of you?

How often did you feel de-valued by the gift you opened from someone else, who clearly knows nothing about you? Ergo, spent zero time considering your needs. (See how this works?) And the food you took the best part of a week shopping for, the lists, the errands, the preparation, the decorations, the wrapping, the baking, the cooking and the washing up... Is it appreciated? Or, are they bickering with one another, while they pick over everything like a pack of hungry hyenas? 

Ah, yes… the recipe for success. The key is moderation. Yes, this will be the test. Relax, stay in your lane. Iron out those “glitches” as they surface, while taking one step back to observe the NEW YOU.

Happy Holidays! 

This article was submitted by Robin Landau, Marconics Master Teacher, who is here to assist others on their ascension. She can be reached at 516-369-3653 or [email protected]

Alison David Bird, C.Ht, is the originator of Marconics Ascension Energy Healing. For more information about Marconics, practitioner training courses, spiritual alchemy, and personal transformation workshops, visit Marconics.com.

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